Directions North (Manchester North Soccer League) Fields
Livingston Park
352 Hooksett Road (Daniel Webster Hwy) (across from the Puritan Back Room)
Manchester, NH
Traveling on 93 South - Exit 9S, turn Right into Livingston Park
Traveling on 93 North - Exit 9S, turn Right into Livingston Park
Our Mailing address is
PO Box 56
Manchester, NH 03105
Directions to East Soccer MESL
Padden Field at Steven's Pond Park
"senior field" is the middle one
137 Robinson Street
Manchester, NH
Traveling on 93 South - Exit 8, straight off exit onto Bridge Street Extension. Travel approximately 1/4 mile take left on Robinson Street.
Traveling on 93 North - Exit 8, take right off the exit. Get in left lane, at first traffic light take your left onto Bridge Street Extension. Travel approximately 1/4 mile take left on Robinson Street.
Traveling on 101 West - Exit 1, Left at exit ramp. Stay right at the traffic circle onto Candia Road. Take a right at the first traffic light (just passed Nichols Market). Travel approximately 1 mile (pass Stevens Pond on right) and take a right on Robinson Street.
Directions to West fields
Piscataquog Park
Precourt Street
Manchester, NH
From Livingston Park, take a right onto Rt 3 then left towards Elm St. At Elm St, turn right onto Granite St, turn left on S. Main St to Varney St. Go to Precourt St. which will be on the right. West Field 1 and 2 are located at Piscataquog River Park, which is located at the end of Precourt Street.
When you arrive at the park there are 3 Soccer Fields facing you, Field 1 is the field furthest to the left, and Field 2 is the center field.
Directions to South Field
Precourt Park
Driving Park Road, Manchester, NH
(off South Willow Street, behind Wendy's)
From Livingston Park, turn right follow to Beech St. Follow Beech St. to S. Willow St by Wendy's Restaurant. Turn right onto Driving Park Road. Fields will be just ahead.