What Your Kids Need and Things You Should Know
Here's a basic listing of some of the items each child should have prior to the first team practice. Contact your coach directly if you have specific questions or concerns. In general, all items can be picked up at local stores or sports retailers such as Suley's Soccer, Dick's Sporting Goods or Modell's.
All Divisions
The league will provide a uniform shirt and matching socks for each player.
Soccer cleats are recommended. Sneakers are not recommended as the fields can be slick, especially in the morning and soccer cleats provide better footing. Be sure to get round studded soccer cleats and not baseball or football cleats.
Shin guards are required.
Water, water, water! Please send your child with a water bottle or a healthy sports drink to every practice and game. Hydrate to feel great!
Black shorts (recommended)
Mouth guards (recommended)
Athletic cups for boys (recommended)
Jewelry is strictly prohibited for all children. Please hold off on getting those ears pierced because earrings cannot just be covered by tape. This rule is for every child's safety and will be enforced by coaches and referees.

U6 & U8

U10 & U12

U14, U16 & U19
Size 3 soccer ball
Size 4 soccer ball
Size 5 soccer ball