Welcome to the Manchester North Soccer League website page for referees
The emphasis of our program for referees is to assist them in developing skills that will enable them to call games more consistently, recognize the need to make decisions based on a variety of situations and circumstances and to help instill a growing sense of confidence and pride in the work they do while officiating games.
Referee Training
All North Referees are encouraged to become certified via the programs offered by NH Soccer Association. Costs associated with successful completion of certification training will be reimbursed by Manchester North Soccer League

Assignment System
We utilize a referee assignment system. All referees will need to create a free referee account here. Note: If you already have a GotSoccer referee account, simply search for the MNSL Fall Season event to sign up to ref games for North.
To sign up for games, etc, you need to sign in to your Referee account here.
If you have any questions about the MNSL program for referees, don't hesitate to email MNSL Referee Coordinator Brian Piccolo.
Interleague Games
Requested through the Referee tab at www.mesl.org. All referees should complete a game report for all Interleague games.
Game reports can be found on the MESL website or get it directly here.
Submit all interleague game reports via email to
All paperwork needs to be completed and signed before payment is made

Thunder, Lightning, Weather Event or Delay
If you hear thunder or see lightning a game is to be stopped immediately (or not started if prior to kickoff) and there is a MANDATORY 30 minute waiting period from the last sound of thunder or sight of lightning before a game may be restarted.
If the coach's are willing to wait then you are to wait however long is needed to play the game.
In 99% of the cases the coach's will not and they will agree to call the game and reschedule.
The Referee should not terminate the game unless the field is deemed unplayable or both coach's have agreed to cancel the match
Recording Game Scores
If the game was canceled prior to the start - NO Game Score is Submitted
If the game was canceled anytime in the first half or prior to the start of the second half - NO Game Score is Submitted
If the game was canceled anytime after the start of the SECOND HALF- Game Score is submitted